Saturday, January 14, 2006

Safety first

Bus drivers and users must be civic-minded

I READ with sadness your report about software engineer Yong Wei Seng's death after falling off a bus, "Engineer dies two days after falling off bus," (The Star, Jan 12).

Before leaving the country to live abroad, I had also used Malaysian buses and I know exactly how the scenario is when one travels on a bus.

As if it is in their nature, Malaysians tend to shove and push while boarding or alighting from a bus.

With due respect, some bus drivers are also aggressive, as if they are short of time for their scheduled route.

Why is it that we Malaysians tend to not take safety measures seriously?

In many countries, buses run at “comfortable” speed in town.

The doors are opened only after the buses have stopped moving.

People queue to use the service. Shoving and pushing are not acceptable.

I hope everyone realises that it is time for us to do things the civic-minded way.

